Something New

Being a teenager is hard. Being a teenager with unique needs is even harder.

Working exclusively with teens the past several years, I found it difficult to connect them with appropriate community resources. There were two extremes of supports available - a plethora of services offered to teens with multiple and more impacting needs OR no meaningful services to teens with fewer and more specific needs. What about the teenagers who fell “in-between”? Those who still need support but not through traditional service model?

With that in mind, The Co-Creative Center was formed. The Co-Creative Center strives to provide quality, functional, and targeted interventions that are meaningful to teens and their families. Our services are thoughtfully developed with adolescents in mind, while maintaining our foundation in the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA). We value individuality, functionality, independence, and community.

All our services incorporate the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA) across all curriculum and lessons. This ensures evidence based strategies are used to teach our students the unique skills teens develop across these pivotal years.

We are excited to be part of the community!


What is ABA?