Happy New Year!

I get it: Parenting is hard. Sometimes it feels like you aren't doing enough or aren't doing it "right" and it can feel defeating. But I hope you take time to give yourself kudos for trying - whether it's researching topics, attending seminars, keeping an open mind, finding programs, or anything else you've done to proactively support your teen. I am here to tell you: You are doing a fabulous job.

I am excited about 2022 and what it may bring. As many of you know, The Co-Creative Center was founded to fulfill an area of need in our community and my hope is that we will continue to develop offerings that bridge the gap for those that need the little bit of extra help. Empowering teens with skills to increase their quality of life is something I truly believe in. The mission of The Co-Creative Center is #creatinginclusion , which can look like forming connections, self advocacy, skill development, independence, functionality, and whatever you and your teen find important for you lives.

Wishing you all the best in 2022,

Peggy Truong, BCBA


Social Skills: What’s Not Said


October Parent Seminar:Organization