Peggy Truong Peggy Truong

Early Intervention: Learning to Learn Skills

Early intervention is a cornerstone in the journey of children with developmental differences, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Within this realm, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy stands out as a powerful tool for fostering crucial learning-to-learn skills. In this blog post, we delve into the significance of early intervention in equipping children with the foundational abilities nurtured through ABA therapy.

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Peggy Truong Peggy Truong

The Power of Early Intervention: Transforming Lives Through Support

Early intervention is like planting seeds in a garden – nurturing growth and potential from the very beginning. When it comes to addressing developmental delays or disabilities in children, early intervention services are not just beneficial; they're transformative. In this blog post, we'll explore the myriad benefits of early intervention and how it can positively impact children and their families.

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Peggy Truong Peggy Truong

Navigating Early Intervention Services: ABA, Speech, and OT

Early intervention services play a pivotal role in the development of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These services aim to provide support and interventions during the critical early years to enhance developmental outcomes. Understanding the different types of early intervention services available is essential for parents and caregivers to make informed decisions about the best approach for their child's needs. In this blog post, we will explore the three main types of early intervention services for children with autism.

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Peggy Truong Peggy Truong

Lake Forest Resource Fair

At The Co-Creatives, we are passionate about fostering connections, empowering individuals, and making a positive impact in our communities. As advocates for inclusivity and collaboration, we were thrilled to participate in the Lake Forest Spring Resource Fair. Thank you to everyone who joined us as we shared our mission, values, and commitment to creating meaningful experiences for all.

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