The Co-Creatives Club

I am so excited to launch The Co-Creatives Club! This is a monthly membership based club whose focus is providing real, semi structured social opportunities for high school aged teens.

One resounding theme I hear from parents when we chat about their teen is: "My teen has no friends".

Parents tell me about the lack of invites to hang out; the missed opportunities for their teen to just enjoy being a teen. Of course, there is more to it: there's the foundational skill development level and the rehearsal level. If our teens don't have the foundational social skills to maintain an interaction with peers, it will be difficult to even get started. And if they do have emerging social skills, it can be difficult to find other teens to practice those skills with in an open, nonjudgmental, and safe way.

An idea came to me when reflecting on this need and how it aligns with the mission of the The Co-Creatives. What if we highlight our core value of community by creating an ongoing, membership based, monthly hang out group for our teens to get together, have fun, and practice social skills in a natural way? And so The Co-Creatives Club was started.

Click on our “Services” tab for more information!!


Managing Sensory Challenges During Halloween: A Parent's Guide


Dr. Alexander Tan: Neuropsychologist